Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wrap it up

Okay, so I thought I was on the home stretch when I got to twitter, but it looks like there's ten things left if I want any prizes (which of course I do). I feel like I'm back in school (which I need to do, also).
Being in a support department, I don't have the touch with the public that the majority of CML employees have. Growing up the library was a once in a while thing, but as an adult, I had the good fortune getting together with an AVID library user who walked there every week and stopped in on off days (Sanger). Fast forward, we get together, live in a crappy rental for a bit and did not have the weekly walk to the library as the library was a bit pretentious (aka old school) for me. Then we moved to our current home, and fell in LOVE with CML and resumed the weekly walk and occasional stop ins (REY) (who knew I'd end up an employee). As a customer with internet access at home, the library is books for me; I stop in I wander through the stacks, and I start pulling what interests me. As an employee (out of the public space) the idea of library services that our customers need (i.e. Library2.0 services) did not occur to me fully. As I've worked here (almost two years, and counting, I hope) I've seen the unique challenges that face libraries in keeping services current. It's good to see that CML is not behind in looking at the model of library services, and seeing that the issues facing our future are shared globally. L&P has given me more exposure to staff and how they are keeping current. It's been a truly rewarding and eye opening experience.

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