Thursday, September 18, 2008


I find all things techie super interesting, but when asked to blog about anything technology related; I'm at a loss. My biggest technology thrill comes when I can find a way to make my work easier. I will stand my much repeated comment "I'm not smart, I am lazy."

I look to technology for opportunities to make my life easier and to free up my time. I have trouble when working with people who are adverse (even scared) to embrace new systems. I struggle to explain how to rely on a piece of hardware or some new software to complete tasks that were once done with triplicate copies and multiple signatures. The common denominator among all people is time. When I take the approach, "this new technology automates steps 3, 6, and 10 of the way you're used to and here's how..." I am usually able to break through and show how we truly are completing more things with less resources.

To me this means I have more time to do the truly dorky accounting work that first attracted me to the degree.

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