Thursday, September 18, 2008


I find all things techie super interesting, but when asked to blog about anything technology related; I'm at a loss. My biggest technology thrill comes when I can find a way to make my work easier. I will stand my much repeated comment "I'm not smart, I am lazy."

I look to technology for opportunities to make my life easier and to free up my time. I have trouble when working with people who are adverse (even scared) to embrace new systems. I struggle to explain how to rely on a piece of hardware or some new software to complete tasks that were once done with triplicate copies and multiple signatures. The common denominator among all people is time. When I take the approach, "this new technology automates steps 3, 6, and 10 of the way you're used to and here's how..." I am usually able to break through and show how we truly are completing more things with less resources.

To me this means I have more time to do the truly dorky accounting work that first attracted me to the degree.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Off Track

So I have gotten too much into the thick of work to really play, and now I find myself six things behind. I suppose it's typical of a dorky accountant to not want to play, but I have been busy with other things...
I am now trying to get back on track (that and someone stopped in my office and I was listening to mediocre music and was enticed by the idea of completion and the potential of winning a shuffle). Thing Six did not entice me too much. I don't have a tremendous amount of online photos (much to the dismay of my myspace and facebook friends). I find the various mashups somewhat fun for voyeurism, but not for my own playing. I'm all over the learn part, but the hands on playing with this type of things just doesn't grab me; give me a flat file full of data that you want in presentable, meaningful charts, and I am ALL over it. Now that's what I call fun (especially when I can use Excel). SO I've completed thing six, but probably not to it's fullest potential. I am, however aware, and that seems important (ignorance may be bliss, but it doesn't get you very far).